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How to Ban and Unban a Player on Your Minecraft Server

There are two ways you can do this in Minecraft, the first method is by banning/unban a player ingame, or you can use the Pterodactyl panel console.

Banning/Unbanning a player or IP in game:

1. Open the chat window by pressing “t”

2. Type into the chat box the command

/ban <player> <reason>

/pardon <player>

Ip-banning a player in game:

1. Open the chat window by pressing “t”

2. Type into the chat box the command

/ban-ip <IP|username> <reason>

/pardon-ip <IP Address>

Banning/Unbanning a player using the panel

1. Open the Pterodactyl panel console page

2. Run the following command:

ban <player> or pardon <player>

Ip-Banning/Unbanning a player using the panel:

1. Open the Pterodactyl panel console page

2. Run the following command:

ban-ip <IP|username> <reason>

pardon-ip <IP Address>

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