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How to Mod Your Satisfactory Server

Modding Satisfactory is done using the Satisfactory Mod Manager. A download link can be found here:

You will need to download and install this application prior to following this guide. An image below helps guide you on the correct version to use (you will need to use SMM3 using the link above):

Please note, Cybrancee is not involved in any way in the development or maintenance of Satisfactory Mod Manager. You should install this application at your own risk. You will need to input your SFTP credentials into this application – it is advised to change your password once you have completed this guide, as well as enabling 2FA within your panel.

1. Open the Satisfactory Mod Manager
2. Click on “Manage Servers”

3. Change the type to SFTP (By default it is selecting FTP)

4. Set the username to be your Pterodactyl username, which can be found on the Settings page within the panel
5. Set the password to be your panel password
6. Input the IP address
7. Input the port of 2022
8. When the greed “Add” button lights up, click this to add the server

9. When you see the server added at the top, click the Close button. At the top left where it says “Game Version” select the version which is “Remote”, not the “Steam” one

10. Search for the mod which you want to install

11. Press the install button for the mod (it may take a few minutes as it is now uploading the mods to your server)

12. You will need to change the Game Version (top left) to be your Steam one, and then install the mods again (this puts the mods into your client)
13. In your Pterodactyl panel, head over to the file manager and open the folder FactoryGame/Mods – You will see the new mods in there.

14. Click on the Start button on your server

15. The game server will start up and load in the new mods. You can validate that it has worked by joining your Satisfactory server and trying to use the new mods

For help joining your server, please follow this guide:

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